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Create multiple sales. This will upsert

Request Body
  • lookback integer required

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 60

    How far do you want us to look back for call data to match against your sales? For example: if this is set to 6, then we'd be looking at calls in the previous 6 months to match to your uploaded sales.

  • sales object[]
  • id string

    The sale ID

  • description string


  • date string required

    The date of the sale. Formatted as ISO 8601 without time.

  • value string

    The value of the sale

  • mhid string required

    The MHID to match against

  • clis string[] required
  • properties object[]
  • key integer

    The key of the property

  • value string

    The value of the property


  • id integer

    The batch ID

  • lookback integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 60

    This is the number of months to look back to when matching calls to your sales.

  • status string


  • successes integer

    The qty of successful matches

  • errors integer

    The qty of failed matches