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Get list of CTAs

Query Parameters
  • offset integer

    The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set

  • limit integer

    The number of items to return. If not present, results will be limited to 3000 items

  • from_id integer

    The cta id from which to start the response dataset

  • from_date string

    The date for which to retrieve cta data from. Formatted as ISO 8601 without time

  • to_date string

    The date for which to retrieve cta data to. Formatted as ISO 8601 without time


Schema array
  • account string

    The account name the CTA belongs to

  • id integer

    The ID of the CTA

  • name string

    The name of the CTA

  • index integer

    The dimension index of the cta

  • value string

    The value of the CTA

  • text string

    The text associated with the value

  • date_created string

    The date the CTA was created in ISO 8601 format

  • time_created string

    The time the cta was created in ISO 8601 format

  • visit_id integer

    The ID of the visit associated with the CTA

  • first_click_visit_id integer

    The ID of the visit of the first click associated with the CTA

  • visitor_id integer

    The visitor ID associated with the CTA

  • ip_address string

    The IP address associated with the visitor

  • visit_start_date string

    Formatted as ISO 8601 without time

  • visit_start_time string

    Formatted as ISO 8601 without date

  • visit_end_date string

    Formatted as ISO 8601 without time

  • visit_end_time string

    Formatted as ISO 8601 without date

  • referring_url string
  • page_uri string

    Page seen while CTA was made

  • page_title string

    Title of the page

  • page_path string
  • page_host_name string
  • landing_page_uri string

    Landing page URI

  • landing_page_title string

    Landing page title

  • first_click_keyword string

    Keyword for visitor's first visit

  • last_click_keyword string

    Search keyword used to find the website

  • click_id string

    The Google Click ID (gclid), Microsoft Click ID (msclkid) or the Facebook Click ID (fbclid) of the caller

  • last_source string
  • last_medium string
  • first_source string
  • first_medium string
  • influencing_source_mediums string

    List of sources/mediums from visits before the cta was made

  • paid_search_type string

    Possible values: [Adwords, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, N/A]

    The type of paid search

  • paid_search_match_type string

    Possible values: [broad, exact, phrase]

    The type of paid search match

  • paid_search_ad_group_id integer

    Ad group ID

  • paid_search_ad_group_name string
  • paid_search_campaign_id integer

    Ad campaign ID

  • paid_search_campaign_name string

    Ad campaign name

  • google_client_id string

    Google client identifier

  • tags string

    A string containing the Tag value pairs, with multiple tag value pairs these are separated by a ‘|’. E.g. “tag1=value1|tag2=Value2”

  • device_type string

    Visitor's device type

  • device_brand string

    Visitor's device brand

  • device_model string

    Visitor's device model

  • browser string

    Visitor's device browser

  • os string

    Visitor's operating system

  • os_version string

    Visitor's operating system version

  • ad_network string

    Possible values: [Display, Search, Partner]

    The ad network