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Get a list of pages for a specific visit

Path Parameters
  • id integer required

Schema array
  • id integer

    The ID of the page

  • account string

    Account name

  • visit_id integer

    The ID of the visit

  • visitor_id integer

    The ID of the visitor

  • load_date string

    Date the page was loaded. Formatted as ISO 8601 without time

  • load_time string

    Time the page was loaded. Formatted as ISO 8601 without date

  • exit_date string

    Date the page was exited. Formatted as ISO 8601 without time

  • exit_time string

    Time the page was exited. Formatted as ISO 8601 without date

  • page_uri string

    URI of the page

  • page_title string

    Title of the page

  • page_host_name string

    Host name

  • page_path string

    URI of the page

  • last_click_keyword string

    Search keyword used to find the website

  • last_source string

    The location from which the caller originated before making the phone call. Only available on dynamic calls

  • last_medium string

    The medium from which the caller originated before making the phone call. Only available on dynamic calls

  • click_id string

    The Google Click ID (gclid), Microsoft Click ID (msclkid) or the Facebook Click ID (fbclid) of the caller. To determine paid ad platform served the click id, use the value of the PaidSearchType field. Only available on paid search dynamic calls

  • referring_url string

    Referring URL

  • ip_address string

    IP address of the visitor

  • paid_search_type string

    Possible values: [Adwords, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, N/A]

    The type of paid search

  • paid_search_match_type string

    Possible values: [broad, exact, phrase]

    The type of paid search match

  • paid_search_ad_group_id integer

    Ad group id

  • paid_search_ad_group_name string
  • paid_search_campaign_id integer

    Ad campaign id

  • paid_search_campaign_name string

    Ad campaign name

  • google_client_id string

    Google client identifier

  • call_id integer[]
  • user_params object[]
  • param string
  • value string
  • first_click object[]
  • visit_id integer
  • keyword string
  • source string
  • medium string
  • tags object[]
  • tag string
  • value string