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Get list of transcripts

If no parameter is indicated, will return today's

Query Parameters
  • offset integer

    The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set

  • limit integer

    The numbers of items to return. If not present, results will be limited to 3000 items

  • from_id integer

    The call id from which to start the response dataset

  • from_date string

    The from date for which to retrieve call data. Formatted as ISO 8601 without time

  • to_date string

    The to date for which to retrieve call data. Formatted as ISO 8601 without time

  • type integer

    Possible values: [static, dynamic]

    The type of campaign you wish to filter the response dataset by

  • campaign_id integer

    The id of the campaign you wish to filter the response dataset by

  • va_code string

    The va_code of the dynamic URL you wish to filter the response dataset by

  • callers_number string

    This needs to be E.164 with no leading +


Schema array
  • mhid string

    The mhid of the call

  • transcript object[]
  • timestamp string

    Time of the sentence. Formatted as ISO 8601 without date

  • party string
  • text string